Parents' Rights and Procedural Safeguards

Child Find & Surrogate Parent

Child Find

Educational Services are Available for Individuals with Disabilities, Birth Through 21 Years of Age

The Southwest SELPA and its member districts are required to locate, identify, and evaluate all children with disabilities, including children with disabilities attending private schools in the school district, youth incarcerated in adult facilities and/or residential/dentention facilities, homeless and migrant children and wards of the state. The process of locating, identifying, and evaluating children with disabilities is known as Child Find. 

Parents/Guardians who are concerned about their child's development or believe their child needs special education due to a physical, emotiojnal, learning or speech problem are encouraged to contact their local school disitrct or SELPA office.

Federal and state laws requires schools to provide free appropriate education for children with disabilities. Children from birth through 21 years of age may qualify for special education programs in public schools. 

Child Find - Legal Notice


Surrogate Parent Information

SELPA/LEA Surrogate Parent Guideline Review

What is a Surrogate Parent?

Qualified community members (nonemployees or those with a potential conflict of interest) who will be acting as a student’s representative or “parent” at an individualized educational planning meeting (IEP) when a student does not have a parent, guardian or conservator; or the student’s parent, guardian or conservator cannot be located or is a ward of the court, homeless or in temporary placement situations (i.e. foster or group homes).

The law (CFR Title 34, Sect. 30 & Cal Ed Code) requires the SELPA and the LEA maintains a list of surrogate parents who have the ability to understand and relate to the student’s disability and needs, demonstrate cultural and socio-economic sensitivity, reside a reasonable travel time to and from the school or location of the student.

SELPA/LEA processes:
Step 1:  SELPA/LEA identifies community member through SELPA & LEA Special Education surrogate parent recruitment efforts (website CAC, flyers, brochures, parent organizations, etc.)

Step 2:  Qualified volunteer completes the SELPA/LEA Surrogate Parent Application Form and submits to SELPA Director/LEA Spec Ed Director.

Step 3:  SELPA/LEA Special Education reviews application forms, and responds to applicant through notification of appointment and  submits SELPA forms to governance councils.

Step 4: Surrogate Parent training is provided at SELPA office and content certification form placed on file, proof of TB clearance and fingerprint clearance (as required) is one file at LEA.

Step 5  : SELPA/LEA Director Special Education evaluates surrogate assignment in terms of their parent activities and recommends re-appointment or possible change in surrogate status.

Surrogate Parent Application


Acronyms in Special Education